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Our words matter


In this broken, sad, angry world where people cry out...

Can we, should we, will we be a small glimmer of God’s love, trying to shine brightly amongst their darkness?

And as people turn to look, curious, questioning. Or as they reach out to touch, to hold something of this unexplained love.

Could we, should we, will we reach back with loving eyes, arms and hearts?

Our words matter. Our actions speak words. Our whole being should speak of God’s love for all humanity. And if our words and actions speak of love, then we point towards God. And healing can begin with the touch of a human hand. In the words spoken of love.

But if our words are not of love. If we speak of judgement, of sin, of ugly things that are not of God... What is the fallout?

Where is Christ when that person turns away, hurt, judged, angry, alone? Where is Christ when that person slips away from us, quietly leaving through the back door, or angrily shouting abuse? Where is Christ when the impact of our words are engraved into the core of who they are, as they take their last breath?

Surely, he is by their side. Surely, he is weeping. Crying out in love for them. Wishing we had the heart to do more, to say less, to accept more, to judge less. To be more like him. And in our priestly clothing, we fall short. So far short of the love he asks of us.

And love starts with loving. Accepting people for who they are. We cannot know their stories. We cannot know their pain. We cannot know what brought them to this place, here, now in front of us.

If all we try to do is love someone for who they are, in all their differences, challenges, offensiveness… is that not love?

If all we try to do is step out in faith and journey a short (or long) way with someone without condemnation, without judgement, without the arrogance that our way is better… is that not love?

The church is not irrelevant to the world. But our faith is weak. Our love is flawed. Our desire for the black and white, the lines to cross (or not), the defining end, leaves too much of the world on the outside, staring in at hypocrites, hurtful words, unloving practises.

And where is Christ? I suspect he is out in the broken world, listening and loving those people we have let go, turned away, hurt. He has turned up at the funeral of the person who died with the broken heart.

What would happen if we did the same? If we tried to be more like Jesus? What would happen if we said less of ‘I think’ or ‘the Bible says’ and more of ‘I’m here’ and ‘I’m listening’. I suspect no one has found the love of God through any of our judgemental words.

What would happen if we allowed God to show his love for others by turning up, being there and showing love? To speak to them in the silence, to heal their hearts in the tenderness of acceptance. To truly love and accept them for who they are. The beautiful, sparkling person God created them to be.

Written over a bowl of porridge on 6 Dec 2023. Pub 13/05/2024


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