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A Pilgrim's Prayer


Heavenly Father thank you for this new day.

This gift of a day.

A day to be cherished and enjoyed with you.

A day for me to be a pilgrim on a journey through life for you.

So today I pray for the mind of a pilgrim.

To lay down my burdens and not fill my space with unnecessary worries.

To think the thoughts you want me to have

and to fill my mind with the knowledge of your love.

Today I pray for the eyes of a pilgrim.

To see the beauty of the landscape, whatever that might be.

To see the people you want me to see.

To see the opportunities you want me to seize.

Today I pray for the ears of a pilgrim.

To find the small solitudes in my day

to hear your whispering.

To be guided by your voice.

Today I pray for the words of a pilgrim.

To take time to talk

and make connections with those people on my path

who you want me to.

Today I pray for the lungs of a pilgrim.

To breathe in the beauty of this world

and to breathe out God’s love

to all with whom I share this day.

Today I pray for the heart of a pilgrim.

To feel your love and to receive your peace

so that all who share this day with me

will meet something of you in me today.

Today I pray for the feet of a pilgrim.

Guide my footsteps

as I search for the way to go,

knowing that you go before me and are with me.

So with a thankful heart,

I put on my pilgrim’s boots

and step out into this day in faith,

a pilgrim on a journey through life with you.


Written on the plane home to England after my 270k Camino de Santiago pilgrimage

June 2023

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